Unlocking Success: A Beginner's Guide to Shopee CPAS on Facebook in Vietnam

Table of contents
August 2, 2023

CPAS advertising is an ad serving method specific to Southeast Asia, and is a Facebook and Google ad serving method that allows behavioral data from e-commerce malls such as Shopee, Lazada, and Tiki to be used for targeting ad serving on Facebook and Google. Among them, we will explain how to get started with Shopee CPAS ads. Note that it may take about 2~3 weeks from the start of preparation to the start of actual ad serving for Shopee CPAS ads.

*Note that this article is based on information as of June 2023.

What is Shopee CPAS?


Reference slides

Application Process

#1 Create an ad account dedicated to CPAS

The first step is to create an ad account specifically for CPAS. Refer to the video on the slide linked below and do the following.


  1. Create a New Ad Account (video: 01:18~) *Ad account name can be anything, such as "CPAS".
  1. Select "My business" (video: 01:40~)
  1. Grant permissions to the necessary members (video: 01:50~)
  1. Enter Partner Business ID 1472239313020616 from "Assign Partner" and give access of "View performance" (video: 02:30~)
  1. Take a screenshot showing the Ad account name, Ad account ID, and View performance access in one screenshot (video: 03:30~)

#2 Apply for Shopee CPAS with Google Form

Then, use the following Google Form to apply to Shopee for CPAS use.


The fields to be filled in on the Google Form are as follows

Your email:
RM PIC Email: *If there is no Shopee contact person, state "No contact."
Your Shop/Brand name:
Your shop link:
Your ShopID: See the screenshot below for how to check ShopID.
Screenshot of your shopID:
Facebook Business Manager ID:
Facebook Ad Account ID:
Ads managed by:
Please upload the screenshot for view access:

Approx. 9 digits number after the "i." in the URL of the Shopee product detail page is the Shopee Shop ID.
Approx. 9 digits number after the "i." in the URL of the Shopee product detail page is the Shopee Shop ID.

#3 Answer from Shopee

Then, about a week later, the Shopee team will email you.

Example of an email from the Shopee team
Example of an email from the Shopee team

#4 Approve request from Shopee

Once your request is approved, Shopee will send you a partner request for catalog sharing. Click on the link below in Meta Business Manager to complete the approval process.




Feedforce Vietnam offers CPAS application and operation services on behalf of our clients. We have a wealth of experience in a variety of industries, so please feel free to contact us.