Privacy Policy
Feedforce Vietnam Company Limited  ( “we” or “us”) is committed to protecting the privacy of the personal information we collect. We understand that you take your privacy seriously. We do too. Our Privacy Policy describes how we manage personal information, including the kinds of personal information we collect, the purposes for which we collect personal information, and how we hold, use and disclose personal information.
How do we collect personal information?
We may collect personal information about you in the following ways: when you order services from us; when you use our app, and other services; when you visit our sites or offices; when we visit your sites or offices; when you submit a query or request to us; from third parties who are entitled to disclose that information to us; from publicly available sources; from online sources, including social media platforms and providers; suppliers of information products and services ; when you apply for a job with us; or other lawful means.
How do we use your personal information?
We may disclose your personal information to: your representatives, advisers and others you have authorized to interact with us on your behalf; related entities within our corporate group; our employees and third parties including business partners, consultants, contractors, suppliers, service providers, professional advisors and agents who need the information to assist us with conducting our business activities; payment system operators and financial institutions; government agencies or authorities, regulators, law enforcement agencies and other parties where authorized or required by law who ask us to disclose that information and to which we are legally required to disclose your personal information; or parties identified at the time of collecting your personal information or as otherwise authorized by you.
How do we maintain and secure your personal information?
We take reasonable steps to ensure that any of your personal information which we hold is accurate, complete and up-to-date. These steps include promptly updating personal information when we are advised that personal information has changed, checking our contact lists for accuracy, and providing individuals with a simple means to update their personal information. We generally store the personal information that we collect in electronic databases, some of which may be held on our behalf by third-party data storage providers. Sometimes we also keep hard copy records of this personal information in physical storage facilities. We use physical and technical security procedures to protect the confidentiality and security of the information that we hold. We also take steps to monitor access to and modification of your information by our employees and contractors, and ensure that our employees and contractors are aware of and properly trained in their obligations for managing your privacy. However, the internet is not a secure environment and no matter what physical and technical security processes and procedures are used we cannot guarantee the security of your personal information. You also play an important role in keeping your information secure by maintaining the confidentiality of any usernames and passwords you use with our services.
How can you access, restrict use, correct, transfer and erase personal information?
You have a right to: request a copy of your personal information, ask us to restrict the use of your personal information; or correct or rectify any personal information that is out-of-date, incorrect, incomplete or misleading. request the erasure or destruction of your personal information when it is no longer necessary for the purpose for which it was originally collected. When we receive a request from you for notification or disclosure of the purpose of use, we may ask you to verify your identity before providing you with or correcting such information. We will action your request within a reasonable time frame. If your request is manifestly unfounded, excessive or repetitive, we may refuse your request or charge a reasonable fee. If we refuse a request or charge a reasonable fee, we will advise you of the reasons for our refusal or any fees within a reasonable time frame. There may be cases where we are unable to provide the information you request, such as where it would interfere with the privacy, rights or freedoms of others, or result in a breach of confidentiality or applicable laws. In these cases, we will let you know why we cannot comply with your request.
Contact us
If you have a concern about your privacy or how we have handled your personal information, please contact us:
Feedforce Vietnam Co., Ltd
No.35 Xuan Thuy, Thao Dien Ward, Thu Duc City, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam